We can help with:
​Mom feeding concerns:
History of breastfeeding issues
Prenatal education
History of breast surgery
Low milk supply or oversupply
Nipple pain and/or damage
Plugged ducts and/or mastitis
Strong let-down reflex
Back to work feeding plan
Assistance with pumping
Nutrition and exercise
​Infant feeding concerns:
Painful or difficult latch
Slow weight gain
Oral restrictions
Bottle feeding skills or bottle refusal
Nursing strike
Weaning from nipple shield

Initial Home Lactation Consult- $175
Includes a thorough review of health history, oral assessment of baby, full feeding assessment, pre and post feeding weights of baby, breast pump overview and flange sizing, education, custom care plan, report to your healthcare provider and follow-up support for two weeks via secure messaging.
Appointment is up to 90 minutes.

Follow-up Home Lactation Consult- $150
This appointment is specifically for those who have had an initial visit and requesting further assistance. Includes a full feeding assessment, pre and post feeding weights of baby, continuing education, review of care plan and questions. Follow-up support for two weeks via secure messaging is included.
Appointment is up to 75 minutes.

Prenatal Home Lactation Consult- $150
This appointment is specifically for mothers who are currently expecting a child. We will thoroughly review health history, discuss feeding-related education to help you prepare for when baby comes, and have a plan for feeding your baby based on goals for you, your baby, and your family. This prenatal consult will include follow-up support via secure messaging for the first week of your babys life.
Appointment is up to 75 minutes.